Focused Nutrition: Intermittent Fasting
Some of you may know that I'm working on a nutrition certification from Precision Nutrition. I've been excited to start for a long time...
Focused Nutrition: Intermittent Fasting
Building Resilience through Mindfulness, Art, and Yoga -- Starts June 20
In-Depth Yoga Study, Starts June 6
Mindfulness Training, Starts March 28
Plans for 2022?
Steady Effort
Private Sessions = Personalized Practice Focused on Your Goals
Did you invest in a nice, little home gym/studio?
Summer Yoga Camp for Teachers, June-August 2021
Hello Spring!
Nature & Mindfulness
September Offerings
Overwhelmed Teachers
Will Bike 4 Food
Yoga Transformation Case Study
Focused and Practical
Coming Back to the Breath